  • New Registration System Trial

    At the League AGM we announced a new registration system which we will be trialling at U7 - U10 for the 2024-25 Season. We are waiting for some development to be carried out on the League Website to enable us to launch this fully but in summary:

    • No cards are required.
    • Players MUST be pending League on WGS with a photo. Photos still need to be "passport style" ie head an d shoulders and clearly identifiable. Unclear photos or photos with scarves / hats etc will be rejected by the League. Photos need to be updated every two years in line with FA requirements.
    • Players must also be registered on the League site - there will be a new feature where player details can be entered directly into the League website. For existing players the required information will be name and 5-digit registration number, for new players you will need to enter the player's name and date of birth. Proof of ID will also need to be sent in to the League for new players.
    • Registration secretaries will then register on both the League site and WGS. 
    • Clubs are required to print the team list from WGS AND write the 5-digit league registration number next to each player's photo.
    • The team sheet replaces the laminated player cards and MUST then be brought to each match and used in the prematch checks.
    • Tuesday deadline remains for registrations and there will be no P2Ps issued. 
    • The Tandridge App will still be used to enter player details, score etc.

    The success of this trial will dictate the roll out to older year groups and is dependant on your co-operation

    We are aiming for the website development to be complete in the middle of July and will have a step-by-step help document and will hold a Team's meeting to run through the process. We welcome any feedback during the trial and will look to host focus groups throughout the year to facilitate this.

  • NEW MINI SOCCER LAWS for u7, u8, u9 (but NOT u10)

    Law 12 - For Under 7s to Under 9s (2024/25 season)
    Deliberately heading the ball is an offence punishable by an indirect free kick.
    The indirect free kick is taken at the point where the ball was deliberately headed, except: Where a player deliberately heads the ball within their own penalty area, the referee will stop the game and restart with an indirect free kick to the opposition from the nearest side line of the penalty area where the offence took place.
    Law 15 - PASS OR DRIBBLE-IN  for U7-U9 (2024/25) 
    When the whole of the ball passes over the touchline, on the ground or in the air, instead of a throw-in, a pass-in or dribble-in is awarded. 
    • A kicker taking a pass-in may choose to touch the ball again before it is touched by another player.
    A goal cannot be scored directly from a pass-in.

  • The Close Season is when most of us renew our kit and equipment.

    Many Clubs will soon be placing their orders for new kits for next season.

    So when choosing your new kits, it’s worth remembering that the FA do not allow any team to wear kits which are black, predominately black or very dark (such as a dark Navy).

    Please don’t buy shirts which will cause you problems and need to be replaced.

    Standard Code Of Rules Youth – i.e. FA Rules (SCORY Rule 19)

    Goalkeepers must wear colours which distinguish them from all other Players and the Match Officials.

    No Player, including the goalkeeper, shall be permitted to wear black or very dark shirts.

  • Tandridge APP 8 Digit Code
    The 8 Digit APP code is specific to a team and therefore change at the start of each new season. Because all existing teams have now migrated up a year, ALL MANAGER'S Matchday Apps will require a new code, specific to this seasons teams.
    Club Secretaries can resend the new 8 digit code to their managers through "My Club" - "Club Details" - and then select the App option; then select the "action" button below each managers or assistant managers name; then "Send Email

  • Reporting results/unplayed fixtures

    Unplayed fixtures should ONLY be reported via the website and not via the match card APP.

    When using the website to report results or unplayed fixtures please ensure you confirm submission of your report by clicking on the green “Save Latest Result” / “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.

    Protect your Club - Set out your Stall - and mean it

    Last season saw a great deal of Press and Social Media coverage describing the shocking scale of abuse received by grassroots referees. A wide ranging BBC questionnaire found that 98% of referees who replied, had experienced verbal abuse and almost one third had experienced physical abuse. These statistics are both worrying and unacceptable. A Surrey County FA Working Party (in which this League is represented) has also discovered similar levels of referee abuse.


    In response, the FA have been imposing increased penalties on Clubs who cannot control their members or supporters. Some very heavy fines are now being applied to clubs in cases of abuse to a Referee.


    And please remember that whoever is acting as the Referee for a game, be they parent or whoever, has the full powers and authority of any qualified Referee and must report all incidents of abuse or misconduct.


    BUT – why wait until one of your Club members is abusive to a referee and ends up costing you time and serious money in fines?

    YOU can prevent getting your Club embroiled in County Hearings and Charges, by making it crystal clear to your coaches and supporters that abuse to a Referee will not be tolerated by you.


    Your Club can take immediate action that a League cannot take. You can warn your members and then remove those who chose to ignore you.

    Don’t be the next Club in the Dock for referee abuse. Set out your stall to your parents – and mean it.

