Safeguarding Children


    The Football Association is committed to a safe, enjoyable and inclusive environment for young people in football whether they are players, referees, coaches or volunteers and therefore has a simple 3-part approach to safeguarding which includes:
    • ‘The Right People’ – Seeking references and criminal records checks
    • Raising Awareness’ – Education and best practice
    • ‘Dealing with Concerns’ – Policy, procedures and referrals
    The FA requires everybody who works or volunteers in youth football in an unsupervised role with children such as managers and coaches to have an in date accepted FA CRC Enhanced Disclosure.
    Applications should be completed online through the FA’s Online Service and only cost £10 for volunteers. Clubs can register to use this service by contacting the FA Criminal Records Body on 0845 210 8080 or via email to FAchecks@The
    Every youth club must appoint a designated person to look after safeguarding children issues. This Club Welfare Officer (CWO) must have attended an FA Safeguarding Children Workshop, completed an FA CRC disclosure and attended a Club Welfare Officer Workshop. This is an affiliation requirement each season.
    The CWO manages to CRC process within their club and should be on the Club’s management committee and known to all in the club.

    All concerns regarding a young person in your club should be shared with your CWO who can liaise with both the League and County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer and/or other statutory agencies. They in turn liaise with a Case Officer in the FA Equality and Child Protection department at Wembley.

    The FA’s Safeguarding Children Workshop is a must for all involved in coaching, refereeing and supervising children in football.
    Club Secretaries, Chairpersons, Treasurers and CWOs must all complete the free FA online course, Safeguarding for Committee Members.

    Please remember that Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone involved in youth football, from coaches, managers, referees, parents and spectators. ‘Let’s make football safe – not sorry’.

    The FA has a dedicated area for Safeguarding on their website which includes best practice guidance on a number of issues including use of Social media and photography in football.
    For more information on Safeguarding please contact your League Welfare Officer, Anita Russell (telephone 020 8392 2213; email



    The FA has a network of 10,000 volunteer Welfare Officers supported by 50 County FA Designated Safeguarding Teams

       Kent County FA                                    
       Designated Safeguarding Officer            Assistants
       Lucy Kidd                                                 Laura Hawkins & Sara Quinlan
       T:  01622 792140                                    T:  01622 792140                                       
      London FA                                        
      Football Safeguarding & Welfare
      Manager                                              Officer
       Harry Woodley                                     Kate Milton
       M: 07525 237348                                 M: 07938 489199                                                      
       Surrey County FA
       Designated Safeguarding Officer           Assistant
       Phil Rendell                                           Nicola Gould
       T: 01372 384090                                   T: 0132 384746
      M: 07939 538632                                     M: 07562 689683              
      Sussex County FA                             
      Designated Safeguarding Manager       Assistant
      Annette Madden                                   Karen Harrington
      T: 01903 753547 (#228)                       T: 01903 753547 (#229) 



    NSPCC 24 hour free & confidential helpline

    0808 800 5000


    FA Safeguarding Team

    0800 169 1863


    Child Protection in Sport Unit –


    Child Line – Free, private & confidential advice line

    0800 1111